The Hill Companies

July, 2024

Members of The Hill Companies Commemorate the Liberation of Bretteville l’Orgueilleuse

 (L-R) Dave Pettigrew, Michelle Carr, Kyleah Smandych, and Mo Bundon

In early June, representatives from Harvard Developments and The Hill Companies, including Dave Pettigrew, Michelle Carr, Kyleah Smandych, and Mo Bundon, had the honour of travelling to Bretteville l’Orgueilleuse, France, to join the town in commemorating its liberation by the Regina Rifles on June 7, 1944.

As part of The Royal Regina Rifles Trust Fund’s Operation Calvados, an 8-foot bronze statue of a rifleman was unveiled on June 5th, with Her Royal Highness Princess Anne in attendance. The event served as a heartfelt tribute to the brave soldiers of the Regina Rifles who played a pivotal role in the town’s liberation during World War II.

The statue, created by Don and Shirley Begg from Cochrane, Alberta, now stands in Bretteville’s Place des Canadiens, serving as a lasting memorial to the courage and sacrifice of the Regina Riflemen.

"The unveiling of the statue was such an incredible reminder of the sacrifices made by the Regina Rifles," said Kyleah Smandych, Senior Financial Planner at Harvard Developments and Treasurer with the Regina Rifles Trust Fund. "It really was an amazing experience to be part of and to see just how appreciative the town was for what the Regina Rifles did for them. And for Her Royal Highness Princess Anne to attend too really elevated the celebration.”

For more information about The Royal Regina Rifles Trust Fund and Operation Calvados, please visit

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